Flying Saucer
Unidentified Flying Objects
Ancient ArtSaucersMass Sightings
RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future
Ancient Astronauts
Flaming Shields, Chariots of the Gods
Flying Saucers, Spacesuits, Delta Wing Jets and Ray Guns
depicted on everything from cave walls to ancient Egyptian temples
- all surviving eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings in our most ancient past.
Reports of unidentified flying objects appear even in our most ancient historical records.
For anyone looking at the most ancient primitive cave drawings and petraglyphs
~ it seems impossible now to take them for anything other than technology.

Could travelers from outer space have visited this planet long ago?
Could our ancestors have settled this planet as space colonists?
Will our neighbors reveal themselves, when we are ready?

Carved in Stone
 Ancient Astronaut Cave Art - Val Comonica, Italy The ancient world occasionally speaks to us of strange things that the primitive people of the time attributed to The Gods. From the Nazca Lines of Peru to ancient aircraft of Egypt and India known as Vimanas; from the enigmatic and symbolic petraglyphs of Ancient America to the pantheons of European and Mediterranean gods; nearly every ancient culture, on every continent yet explored - it seems that every civilization in the world was at one time or another touched by beings from above.

As mankind evolves and advances in technology, we are now becoming somewhat familiar with many of the things that obviously impressed our ancestors. We know that we are not gods, but what would ancient peoples think of most of the things we take for granted today? Would your ability to read evoke jealousy from their most revered scholars? Would a disposable lighter or ball point pen get you burned as a witch? And what would they make of your palm pilot - or for that matter, a harmonica?

The two figures depicted in rock-art at Val Comonica, in Northern Italy (above right) easily appear to modern observers to be a literal and accurate representation of modern astronauts. Their bulky suits come complete with space helmets, and each are holding decives of some sort; one of their tools even looking remarkably like a sextant. This particular site is a perfect example, and is featured in the groundbreaking 1968 book Chariots of the Gods, by Erich Von Daniken - but is only one of so many found throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas; all associating the Gods with the stars, and other things which we modern humans today file under the same heading: space technology. Could this primitive depiction of a space helmet have been a primitive precursor to what we modern humans know as haloes? Could all of the world's religions all have a root in these ancient gods who came down from the sky?

For millennia, the absolute authority on the beginning of everything was the Bible - specifically, the book of Genesis, which tells us the order in which creation began to express itself: first minerals, then plants, then animals. This is something that the ancient scribes simply could not have known, if we are to remember them as truly primitive - tribal hunter gatherers, barely farmers - technologically barren, possessing little more than fire and the ability to write stuff down. Perhaps God emparted this simple itinerary to His chosen scribes, but one of the first things to pop into existence is said to have been Light itself - which seems to also ring very true, as it turns out, according to modern quantum physics, we're all made of stardust. The only question remaining is, of course, from which particular star's dust have we been thus assembled?

Modern fundamentalists have retranslated the biblical "light" as, or into, "the word" or "truth" - often meaning "the existence" or "the reality" of God. This also follows advanced scientific theories that the prime foundation of existence (time, matter, and the very fabric of dimension) are fractal, and vibrations: made up of infinite combinations of (put very simply) something and nothing - as in binary code, a sequence of ones and zeros. A parallel can also be drawn from New Age philosophies, which often contend that all is illusion. For all our fumblings, we have advanced, and perhaps evolved, to the unenviable point where we now know that there is very much that we do not know - and there is a great deal that we will likely never be able to fathom, but we can still dream and imagine - and we are at least able to measure our perception of what we perceive to be time and space. So far, among other things, we have measured the size of the Earth and distance between Earth and the Sun - very specific values and ratios that are found in multiple archaelogical sites around the world, where also emanate legends of gods who came down from the sky.

Gods of the Sky
The famous Helicopter Hieroglyph found in the Temple of Abydos, in Egypt, is another prime example of highly advanced technology represented in ancient art. Abydos was originally owned and operated by ancient Egyptian kings - first by Seti I, then Ramesses II (around 1200 BC). Inside, the ceiling support beams of one chamber contain many inscriptions, a certain famous four of which have stunned paranormal researchers, taken the "faithful" by storm, and seem even more out of place. At first glance, these ancient Egyptian heiroglyphs appear to depict aerial technology - namely (amazingly), a helicopter, a submarine, a UFO and a WWII style airplane. On second glance however, it seems painfully obvious that the image must have been faked, as they show show a more bronze color than the native sandstone - but this is actually a simple image enhancement technique (not trick), used to show more contrast in the relief. The dark gold coloring of the highly circulated internet image may also be an artifact of original scanning, depending on the source (as from a magazine or video screenshot). The image has been altered again here (below, top image) to more closely approach the coloring of the actual sandstone.

The famous Egyptian heiroglyphs in Abydos, Egypt ~ seem to show a helicopter (top, left of center)
~ plus 3 other cartouche depictions of seemingly high technological items (right of center, from top)
that appear to be a tank or submarine (top), a UFO (middle) and what looks like an airplane (bottom).

 Egyptian heiroglyphs in Abydos, Egypt
 Egyptian heiroglyphs in Abydos, Egypt

This ancient anomaly often attains the height of internet scandal, because the carvings are authentic.
While officially attributed to a palimpsest, the resemblance to modern technology cannot be discounted.

The first thing that grabs anyone who beholds this ancient stony text is the first glyph's uncanny resemblance to a modern military helicopter like the Apache, Jayhawk and Blackhawk (below) - carved meters in the air, near the ceiling of one of the most important temples of ancient Egypt. That it should be immediately accompanied by glyphs resembling other examples of modern aerial technology - all facing in the same direction, to the right - should be more than enough to completely rule out coincidence as an explanation.

 Apache - US Army  Jayhawk - US Coast Guard
 Blackhawk - US Army  Blackhawk - US Army

Modern military helicopters ~ top row: Apache and Jayhawk ~ bottom row: Blackhawk

 Video still of Abydos heiroglyphs - desaturated The glyph immediately to the right of the helicopter has been compared to a tank, a submarine, a small boat or cabin cruiser - and even appears to some as Luke Skywalker's landspeeder, from the first Star Wars movie. Directly below that curiosity is what most consider indisputably to be a classic UFO - but given the non-symmetrical shape and added tail fin, eyes are widened to the possibility of an aircraft only slightly more advanced than we have today (perhaps something still on the drawing boards, not yet given to public knowledge, as of this writing). The profile is roundish, yet also shows what are possibly wings, resembling a NASA prototype for proposed space taxis, (expected to be in operation by the middle of the 21st century) - or Commander Criton's shuttle pod, from Farscape, the popular science fiction TV show. One almost expects, if such a craft ever existed, that it was armed with phasers. The fourth icon, below the alleged UFO, seems at once to be a World War II vintage airplane, complete with high tail and bubble cockpit - albeit without wings, or perhaps what the artist was depicting was partially submerged, in water or sand.

 Egyptian Airplane Model  Egyptian Airplane Model
Von Daniken caption, translated ~ Wooden airplane model in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. For many years, this model stood directly behind the main entrance in a glass case. In the meantime it disappeared in the cellar. Were uncomfortable questions placed?

Some speculate that this is Philidelphia Experiment Bermuda Triangle citing evidence of paranormal events involving time travel, lending further support to theories of what may be the cause of certain documented temporal and magentic anomalies experienced in the Bermuda Triangle. Could the airplane symbol be one of the famous Flight 19 that disappeared from the Bermuda Triangle in 1947?
While officially attributed to a palimpsest: a scratching out (or an ancient typo), "the result of a recutting"
it cannot be completely ruled out that the original carvings were actualy of some witnessed aerial technology.

While modern Egyptologists identify the heiroglyphs' message as telling us of a suppression of "the ennead of nine" and "foreign countries" (these cartouches superimposed over each other), it cannot be ruled out that the might have been the original inspiration for the design. It seems a beyond chance that a character should exactly match the profiles of the tails of an airplane and helicopter. What kind of king would be identified with such objects? And what kind of king would have them erased?

Mainstream Egyptologists classify the anomaly as a palimpsest: or a typo, "the result of a recutting"
offering the simple explanation, "the original signs were covered in plaster, and new ones cut into the surface,"
and continuing further, "this plaster has now fallen out, leaving images that look rather like modern items!"

While there certainly is significant crumbling and water damage around the ceiling and support columns
(and this sort of editing of history is known to have periodically occurred with shifts of power)
~ however, a significantly complex response does not necessarilly ammount to a full explanation.
To more liberal researchers, this may seem like a blatant cover-up, or at best a lame explantion
~ reminiscent of the Face on Mars being attributed to "a trick of light and shadow" by NASA officials.

but this does not completely rule out the possibility that the original heiros were accurate
or that the "accepted" cartouche may have evolved from the obvious visualization.
Official explanations limit the scope of debunking to the helicopter
ignoring the other figures to the right (of the alleged submarine, UFO and airplane)

Skeptics charge

 Inscription Timeline of Abydos heiroglyphs - c 1996 Lumir Janka  Video still of Abydos heiroglyphs - c 1996 Bruce Rawles

The Abydos Temple Helicopter - by Thierry
Helicopter Hieroglyph Explained
Historical Artwork and UFOs - by Matthew Hurley

 The Palenque Astronaut

The Palenque Astronaut (left) appears to depict a man controlling a spaceship
This ornately decorated five ton stone was discovered in 1952 in Chiapas, Mexico
covering the Tomb of the Mayan King Pacal, at the Temple of Palenque (relief below)
~ the only known Mayan Pyramid to conatin a Tomb, as is the case throughout Egypt.

 Palenque Astronaut - relief
The famous Palenque Astronaut appears to depict a man controlling a spaceship ~ ~ THE ASTRONAUT OF THE TEMPLE OF PALENQUE. This is the stone found covering the tomb of King Pacal inside the Temple of Palenque. The stone interpretation is part of today's controversies surrounding the Mayan empire. Is this the drawing of ? In the year 1952, the Mexican archeologist Alberto Ruz discovered the tomb of King Pacal inside the Temple of Inscriptions of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico. This region was once protected by a number of logs placed in a defensive and fortified way around the temples of Palenque. At the entrance of the temple there were a total of 620 inscriptions near the tomb of King Pacal who, according to the symbols, was born in Palenque, started ruling over the Mayan empire when he was 12 years old and remained in power for a total of 65 years before his death at the age of 80. One of the curiosities is that the Temple of Pacal is the only pyramid in the new world where a crypt was found, defining the pyramid as a burial place just like the ancient Egyptians. The tomb weight reached the 20 tons and it was build better than the entrance stone that was removed before the findings, which make archeologist believes that the temple was constructed after the crypt was put in place. One of the most important aspects of the crypt was the cover stone. It weighted 5 tons and it have an inscription on top that, according to the first archeologist who studied, show the representation of the decent of King Pacal to the underworld and the Mayan believe of the three worlds: the heavens or world above, the world of the living and the world of the dead. Other archeologist interpreted the hieroglyphics as describing the presence of the monster from the deeps of the earth, the Mayan sacred tree and the hairs of the god of rain, but it was the third interpretation and the study of the remains that caused one of the greatest controversies on the world of archeology. What it appeared to be to others� The controversy of the findings came years after the discovery when another group that studied the stone interpreted the hieroglyphics as what it appears to be some kind of propulsion machinery and a Mayan operating at the controls. From this theory and descriptions came the given name of "The Astronaut of Palenque". Also, and to add to the controversy, the results of the scientific research from the studies of the remains shows that the body is not from one of the Mayan descendants or is even close to the age described in the inscriptions. The body is more of like a full ground man of big stature and not similar at all to any of the Mayan body characteristics of any age. The remains appeared to be of a 40 to 50 year old man and not of an 80-year- old Mayan, matching the legends of the one of the Mayan gods "Votan", a white man of long stature and beard who came from "the other side", as it is described by the legend. Apart from the inscriptions at the head stone of the crypt, there were other stones and inscriptions found in the Mayan city that showed similarities to, what it looks to some at first instance, as some type of human in front of controls while inside a capsule or enclosure. In reality, there are more mysteries than answers surrounding the Mayan empire. They are the only civilization of the new world that vanished with very little evidence of what really happened to them or what was the cause of their disappearance. Some of today's archeologists are having conflicting theories explaining the disappearance of the Mayan people or understanding the Mayan number system or hieroglyphics without returning with different interpretations. The Theories There are many people today who believe that the drawings on the stone are in fact the representation of some kind of ship with the operator inside and that the body found is non other than the pilot itself. Others believe that the remains belong to a European that, somehow, reached the new world before the Spanish colonist discovered America. They also believe that the drawings are misinterpreted when called "The Astronaut". Others, looking for explanations, go as far as including in their theories the ancient legend of "Erik the Red", who in the other side of the sea from the American continent, went in search of the earthly paradise toward "Wotan" or "Odin" which was in the same direction toward the Americas. Other group jumps to the conclusion to believe that the Mayan people were victims of a planetary ascension or abduction, therefore explaining how they acquired the knowledge of the advance architecture, astronomy and numeric system that the empire possessed. The only current facts is that there are many books with theories regarding the Mayan empire and each lacks concrete evidence explaining the disappearance of these people or who is the tall man found in the tomb of King Pacal. As of now, the archeologist's discoveries on the Mayan Temples keep raising more questions than answers and keep adding wood to the fire of controversy. Temple of Palenque Mexico The Remains of King Pacal 7 Another stone found in Palenque. What it appear to some as a man inside a capsule in front a console. 8 Mayan Cualdron. From where the Maya got a design that resembles one of today's propulsion engines?

 Insectoid Alien in Step Pyramid - Saqqara, Egypt  Close-up of Insectoid Alien in Step Pyramid - Saqqara, Egypt

Extraterrestrial Images on the Step Pyramid Saqqara, Egypt and close-up (right)

Also in Egypt - where the star clock for the Precession of the Equinoxes exists
- there is an electric light bulb that dates to 2600 BC.
An electric battery was discovered in a rock carbon dated approximately 500,000 years ago.

text versions of this page coming soon
but for now, just enjoy all the pictures
or visit the original website for older text
 Under Construction


 Maya Airplane Figurines

Five figurines of airplanes with serpent heads ~ State Bank of Bogota, Columbia
Replicas are rumored to have once been offered for sale in the gift shop of a local museum
until the stunning but obvious airplane connection was made, when they were quietly withdrawn.
Despite the classic Maya smiling serpent god heads, and the uncanny resemblance to modern airplanes,
~ mainstream archaeologists claim the tiny models are of insects, Collection of delta winged airplane models cast
There are said to be many types of such airplane configurations, only five are presented here.
It is however no insect cult well-known with South American Indiovoelkern.
Besides insects were never represented in gold golden god

 Ancient Astronaut Idol - Kiev, 4000 BC

Ancient Astronaut Cave Art ~ Kiev, 4000 BC

 The Lolladoff Plate

~ The Lolladoff Plate ~
a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal.
It clearly shows a disk shaped UFO and
a figure resembling a Grey alien.
Here are some photographs of the Lolladoff plate.
It is claimed to be several thousands of years old, found in Nepal.
Clearly showing a disk shaped UFO, there is also a figure on the disc
looking remarkably similar to what we would today call a Grey.
It is supposedly housed in a museum in Berlin.
Explanation :
This plate was first shown in a book from the 1970s entitled 'Sungods in Exile' by Karyl Robin-Evans.
The book was actually written by a chap named David Agamon whose real name was Gamon
who admitted to magazine Fortean Times that this was his hoax.

~ UFO Coin, 1680 ~
French Medal apparently commemorating
a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in Renaissance France


Cave Drawings
Planet Earth has had ongoing historical contact with extraterrestrials. This interaction can been found in the oral traditions, written records, stone monuments and hierglyphs found throughout the planet.

Information left by the ancients about the visitation of extraterrestrials has appeared in almost every country in the world, including the United States. I consider this information, triggers, or keys, to helping us awaken the 'sleeping visitor' within each of us.

Alexander the Great had two UFO encounters that were recorded. During his invasion of Asia in 329, while crossing a river, Alexander and his men saw what was described as gleaming, silver shields in the sky. The objects repeatedly swooped down at the soldiers, scattering men and horses and creating quite a panic. Seven years later, while attacking a Venesian city in the eastern Mediterranean, observers on both sides of the conflict reported another incredible event. Objects appeared in the sky. One of the objects suddenly shot a beam of light at the city wall, crumbling it to dust. This allowed Alexander's troops to easily take the city.

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Flying Saucer

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