Flying Saucer
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Conspiracy Theories
What You Don�t Know ... Can Hurt You
Certain "Powers That Be" are in control of our lives.
They know about UFOs, and actively distract public attention
- for National Security - but does Big Brother know what he's doing?

Investigations reveal that the Knights Templar invented banking and founded Switzerland
But were their quests, for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, really fruitless efforts?

National security is as important today as it was during the Cold War, and even World War II.
The advent of new technologies ~ from the internet, to cloning, to anthrax, to dirty nukes ~
all pose serious threats to the safety and serenity that superpowers provide their citizens.
But is there a more sinister force at work, closer to home, perpetuating domestic fear ?

From: CNI News, February 1999
Personal Statement

I have been told on a number of occasions by various different officials, some of them credible and others less so, that the US government harbors its secrets in this area for an urgent reason that cannot be disclosed and must be hidden at all costs or the welfare of the whole world may be placed in jeopardy.

The secret has been described to me in various ways. One has been that there has been a threat on the part of aliens to destroy the world if their presence is disclosed or their activities hampered. Another has been that the military is completely helpless to prevent the abductions, and that knowledge of the fact that they are going on, that nobody knows what they mean, and that they cannot be stopped, would cause public terror. A third is that by admitting the existence of our visitors we also somehow admit them to our world, ending up in the same situation that confronts primitive tribes when they are faced with technologically more robust civilizations, and that the government has agreed to keep everything secret until our species is ready to cope with the aliens effectively, without losing its sense of independence and innovation.

I don't know which, if any, of these claims reflect the true situation. But I do know this: there is a great deal of secrecy surrounding the UFO and abduction problems, and it has led to an extremely bizarre public ituation, where open and obvious evidence is being denied by a process of propaganda and lying that is completely unprecedented in this society.

Other Worlds of Information
Essential Documents from Outside Sources

Roswell Testimony
The complete Roswell UFO Crash story
including interviews with prime witnesses !

New Roswell Crash Data
Truth comes in three phases. First it is ridiculed,
then it is violently opposed, and then it is self-evident.

Majestic 12 Doccuments
Top Secret memos regarding the early Cold War
UFO policies of the US Intelligence community !

A Tale of Area 51
The son of a local resident has come forward
with a tale of UFOs and government cover ups !

UFO Comments by the
World's Top Military Leaders

A collection of exerpts and quotations
by top military and intelligence personnel !

1865 Cincinnatti
Extraterrestrial Meteor

An article about celestial sightings of a UFO crash
which appeared in a 19th century Midwest newspaper !

Meteoric Micro Fossils
U.S. study points to possible life outside Earth
from the international news service, "Reuters", 8/1/97

UFO - Mars Correlations
A study of the correlations between
UFO waves and the distance of Mars !

Bloodline of the Holy Grail
Tracing an engineered hereditary lineage
from Cain, to Pharoahs, to David, to Jesus,
all the way to modern Europe's Royal Courts !
Starfire and the Anunnaki

TWA Flight 800, HAARP and
the Philidelphia Experiment

The US Military's Unified Field experiments
from a source who shall remain anonymous !

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RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future

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