Unidentified Flying Objects
Ancient ArtSaucersMass Sightings
RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future
Flying Saucer

~ Flying Saucers ~
Strange lights in the sky,
once believed to be deities,
are now explained away
as pure imagination.
~ beep, beep ~

A Real Phenomenon
British Columbia, 1981UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects - flying saucers and dancing lights - have been sighted in the sky by ordinary people, credible witnesses, hardened skeptics - even celebrities and politicians. Former military personnel, and even high ranking officials, have come forward to describe their experiences - and in some cases, their own parts in massive cover ups. Thousands of books have been written, hundreds of documentaries shown on TV, dozens of blockbuster movies based on eyewitness testimony have been produced, and most have done well - especially those staying faithful to reality: less fantastic, more credible, less fictional, more chronicle.

All the polls show that the existence of intelligent life in outer space - including sightings of UFOs and encounters with aliens - are being taken seriously by a more enlightened modern majority. Still, for one to make claims of having been abducted by aliens: is to risk cultural exile and social isolation. To most people, perhaps, it is a joke - a sign of mental breakdown or instability - but to some, it is certainly not. These events are really happening - every day, all over the world. If it hasn�t happened to you yet: chances are, one day it will.

Typically, flying saucers tend to frequent out of the way areas, sparsely populated and largely uncivilized - like this 1981 photo (right), taken by hikers in the wooded mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Because of this, many ufologists have had to overcome a "hick factor" in analyzing modern sighting reports. And official government investigations, (the most famous being Project Blue Book, in the USA), have used this to their national security and political advantage - to perpetually trivialize the entire phenomenon. Because of this, most sightings go unreported, at least officially - the rare exceptions being mass public sightings: in which hundreds or even thousands of witnesses gaze up to the sky in broad daylight, while official sources spin the piles of evidence into something else entirely, or play it down as best they can.

SETI - the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - at least once turned up an impressive signal return (below left). Whatever the echo was, it is not known to have been heard again - at least not immediately. Originally a governmentally funded project and affiliated with NASA, shortly after the awe inspiring discovery, the US Congress pulled their funding, effectively killing the program. Shortly afterward, SETI was resurrected as a privately funded entity - and even today enlists the help of ordinary people, who analyze SETI data for any sign of alien radio signals with their PCs, while they surf the net. The very popular SETI@Home program is considered by many to be a "power to the people" grassroots movement. Many serious ufologists scoff at the methodology used to detect alien signals, however - citing that it would be vastly easier to detect the waves generated by Gilligan throwing stones into his lagoon, than the chance radio, or even laser, signal emanating from a planet dozens of light years away, through all the noise and background radiation of space, filtered through countless asteroids and clouds of space dust. Besides, critics go on, radio is not by any means a certain universal path of evolution - and even if it were, any culture advanced to the level of interstellar travel would have developed technologies that make radio look like smoke signals, or primitive cave drawings.

A scientist claiming to have worked at Area 51, the once secret military base in Nevada, has described the technology he was hired to reverse engineer for the US government. Far from the rockets, lasers or warp engines of popular science fiction; a small device (about the size of a basketball) is said to tap into properties of time, space, dimension and matter - elusive relationships and realities that we have only begun to theorize - literally "folding space," or essentially teleporting the craft to whatever point in space the controls are focused on. Many ufologists speculate that a great number of UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, and even abductions (especially near military bases) are actually being flown and even designed by human beings - having used one or more of numerous crashed UFOs as a guide or template.

In the USA, the shores around the Gulf of Mexico and those tropical waters all the way to Puerto Rico have a very paranormal reputation - not the least of which being the Bermuda Triangle - including some especially isolated military bases in Florida and Puerto Rico, which are rumored to have taken over for Area 51 in recent years, since it has become more of a household word than a top secret installation. The Great Lakes Region, parts of the American Northwest, and the entire American Southwest are all veritable hotbeds of UFO sightings. And now, since the 1997 Phoenix lights incident, and the mass UFO sightings in Mexico City throughout the 1990s (still continuing to this day); there are extensively documented, publicly monitored and redundantly videotaped flaps over heavily populated areas. The public is becoming aware - and somewhat more enlightened of our tiny place in the vast universe.

A Light in the Sky
Look up. Chances are, you won�t see anything out of the ordinary - but every once in awhile, people do. The government and the media like to fuel the "laughter curtain" around the whole subject, by characterizing witnesses to such phenomena as ignorant rural drunkards - but such is most often not the case. Ordinary people have seen things in the sky that cannot be explained by any standard of innocent circumstance - sometimes in mass, while thousands stare and point.

Airline pilots, with decades of experience, are having more and more encounters with strange and enormous metallic craft: that pace their jets, fly circles around them, and vanish off into the distance at incalculable speeds. More often than not, these objects are invisible to radar - and almost needless to say, they have no transponder codes. It is an unwritten rule that reporting a UFO will result in getting a highly qualified and otherwise respected airline pilot fired - and black listed: branded unhirable for life. The FAA and airlines worldwide understand the situation - that there are things in the sky that cannot be explained. Part of their purpose is to maintain the level of secrecy on UFOs.

Without a doubt, any air force in the world would love to get their hands on this technology. Area 51 is known to have produced the latest generation in supersonic stealth fighters and bombers, originally designed in the 70s and 80s - flight tested during the end of the Cold War, under severest secrecy. But far from being the next logical step in aviation technology; the classic UFOs (flying saucers, blinking lights) perform mind boggling maneuvers, fly at amazing speeds, or hover motionlessly - as if the laws of physics were merely suggestions. When ordinary citizens witness such unlikely hazards to aviation, many of the "explanations" offered sound like the half thought through fantasy and lame excuses of a frightened child trying to lie his way out of trouble - when confronted with urgent inquiries like, "who broke this lamp?" The butler did it.

Nonsense. The very word evokes feelings of ridicule - as if something that is not easily explainable, that does not make sense, should be laughed off the face of the planet; the messenger chastised for gross inaccuracy and branded with the stamp of disapproval, from authority or the masses, or both. Few others will be so daring, in the future, as to even consider that something so unusual might actually be true. Be sure, when you report your particular perception of reality, that you run it through a nonsense filter first. For decades, since the Roswell incident, UFO proponents have been foretelling staggering world implications, that will soon turn science on its ear - and society upside down - as soon as the truth is revealed. But although our technology has increased dramatically since then, this grand universal epiphany has not happened yet - perhaps for that very reason. The truth of the matter is that UFOs have been sighted in the sky for as long as man has been looking up into it. Aliens have yet to hold a press conference, eliminate poverty or cure cancer - or blow up Congress, replace our neighbors and instill slavery through mind control (as far as we know). Instead, the people of Earth are free to feel safe in the assurance that the end of the world is not coming - or at least, it is probably not going to happen today. For all we know, this could be their world - our arrival or evolution, their curiosity.

Ancient Art Ancient Art

Ancient Artwork

A Spiritual Quest to Comprehend
Classic silvery discs, emanating beams of light
are seen in many famous Renaissance Era paintings.
Athough not always obvious, the resemblance is uncanny.

Mostly appearing in religious works ~ accompanying Jesus, Mary, or both
~ it seems obvious that flying saucers were seen as holy in medieval times.
Dare we dismiss the presence of such phenomena, in such known works?

In historical times ~ elves, ogres and demons ruled our darkest nights
~ angels and devils descend from above, and ascend to the clouds.


Flying Saucers

Those Strange Lights in the Sky
Venus, swamp gas, ball lightning, even the Moon
- all are viable explanations for the witnessed phenomena -
but none move suddenly, intelligently, or so quickly across the sky.

Ever since man has himself learned to fly, those other things in the sky make more sense
~ unless you�re unwilling to momentarily consider the possibility of life in outer space.

In modern times, large round metallic objects that hover, or move extremely slowly,
have been known to pace modern aircraft, perform unimaginable maneuvers
~ then suddenly vanish out of sight at incomprehensible speeds.

 Mass Sightings

Mass UFO Sightings

Some Flying Saucers Just Aren't Shy
Several highly documented incidents in recent years
have stunned the literally thousands of witnesses gathered.
But the public is left to awe and wonder, "what on Earth was that?"

Mass public UFO sightings and alien encounters are certainly nothing new to this planet.
In ancient times, their abberant behavior was subscribed to the dances of Angels, or the Gods.
~ but with the invention of hand held camcorders, many UFOs have now been caught on tape
and few people are so easily pursuaded to believe that they imagined the whole thing.

But the authorities have not given up hope in the gullability of the public.
Even continuing mass sightings, with thousands of witnesses,
are dismissed by authorities as pure imagination.



The One That Started It All
The most controversial event of the 20th century!
A crashed UFO, alien bodies, presidential intervention
and a massive military cover-up that continues to this day.

In the summer of 1947, something crashed in the vast desert of New Mexico.
The wreckage was scattered across dozens of square miles on Mac Brazel's ranch.
Alien bodies were found ~ small, gray ~ and there was at least one known survivor.

It made the papers ~ but as soon as the brass got wind of it, they moved in to cover it up.
After all, the very idea of Little Green Men from Mars is ridiculous, pure fantasy ~ or is it?
Many witnesses were threatened, some mysteriously disappearing and never heard from again.

 Area 51

Area 51

The Secret UFO Base
Nellis Range, Groom Lake, Dreamland
- the most famous military base that doesn't exist -
where the US government reverse engineers alien spacecraft.

Nestled in the most inhospitable desert mountains just north of Las Vegas, Nevada
~ the alleged source of the famous black helicopters, cattle mutilations and Men in Black ~
civilian workers are shuttled daily in generic jets and busses, with blacked out windows.

Some speculate that revealing the existence and purpose of Area 51 was intentional,
a distraction away from other bases ~ and for some even darker political reasons.

 UFO Technology

Alien Technology

Why do you think they call it Dreamland?
For all of our advances in the last century, we're still cavemen
- as far as any space faring alien civilization would likely be concerned -
but dare we pursue any of the ideas that have fallen out of the sky?

Most modern mainstream scientists say that interstellar travel is impossible.
"If it were," they say, "aliens would have visited us a long time ago."
The distances are great and nothing can travel faster than light.

But what if the aliens have found a way around this?
Is Einstein spinning, or grinning, in his grave?


Conspiracy Theories

What You Don�t Know ... Can Hurt You
Certain "Powers That Be" are in control of our lives.
They know about UFOs, and actively distract public attention
- for National Security - but does Big Brother know what he's doing?

Investigations reveal that the Knights Templar invented banking and founded Switzerland
But were their quests, for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, really fruitless efforts?

National security is as important today as it was during the Cold War, and even World War II.
The advent of new technologies ~ from the internet, to cloning, to anthrax, to dirty nukes ~
all pose serious threats to the safety and serenity that superpowers provide their citizens.
But is there a more sinister force at work, closer to home, perpetuating domestic fear ?

 The Future

The Future

Where Do We Go From Here?
Everybody likes to believe in a kind of Utopia
- basically: a highly advanced, ideal and peaceful society,
where technology has solved all our problems - but is it possible?

If UFOs really do exist, and such technology is in the hands of our governments
~ perhaps they have a very good reason for keeping it as quiet as they can.
No one wants terrorists to have ray guns, or teleportation devices.

But how long can we warlike Humans last as a species
~ and will we survive this brutal adolescence?

Other Worlds of Information
Essential Documents from Outside Sources

Roswell Testimony
The complete Roswell UFO Crash story
including interviews with prime witnesses !

New Roswell Crash Data
Truth comes in three phases. First it is ridiculed,
then it is violently opposed, and then it is self-evident.

Majestic 12 Doccuments
Top Secret memos regarding the early Cold War
UFO policies of the US Intelligence community !

A Tale of Area 51
The son of a local resident has come forward
with a tale of UFOs and government cover ups !

The Zeta Reticuli System
Information regarding the Gray aliens, excerpted from
interviews with U.S. intelligence agent codenamed "Falcon"

UFO Comments by the
World's Top Military Leaders

A collection of exerpts and quotations
by top military and intelligence personnel !

Tim Ley Recounts
The Phoenix Lights

The Tim Ley family - eyewitnesses of 3/13/97
Arizona UFO flyover event called "Phoenix Lights"

Phoenix Lights - Two Years Later
National UFO Reporting Center Special Report
Recounting the facts of the case in evidence.

The Crossing Point
An interesting essay connecting UFOs and ETs
to Theology and a Multi Dimensional Unified Field Theory !

Quantum Entanglement
vs Uncertainty Principle

A stunning revision of quantum theory,
Quantum Particle Ghosting, might explain why
SETI has thus far failed to find any ET signals !

1865 Cincinnatti
Extraterrestrial Meteor

An article about celestial sightings of a UFO crash
which appeared in a 19th century Midwest newspaper !

Meteoric Micro Fossils
U.S. study points to possible life outside Earth
from the international news service, "Reuters", 8/1/97

UFO - Mars Correlations
A study of the correlations between
UFO waves and the distance of Mars !

Bloodline of the Holy Grail
Tracing an engineered hereditary lineage
from Cain, to Pharoahs, to David, to Jesus,
all the way to modern Europe's Royal Courts !
Starfire and the Anunnaki

TWA Flight 800, HAARP and
the Philidelphia Experiment

The US Military's Unified Field experiments
from a source who shall remain anonymous !

Ancient ArtSaucersMass Sightings
RoswellArea 51Alien Technology
Conspiracy TheoriesThe Future

Flying Saucer

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